river church
When taking this photo, I was trying not to crop the steeple out of the photo, and I missed too much at the bottom. It probably looks like a wet road in front of the church, but it's actually a river and this photo was taken from a moving boat. In the Indian state of Kerala there are a lot of rivers and waterways and boats are a normal mode of transportation. There were quite a few churches along the river, but this was the most attractive one I saw. There are a lot of Christian churches in Kerala, and in Madurai, Tamil Nadu too, so maybe across the south. It seemed a little odd because I'd been to quite a few places in northern India and can't remember seeing any Christian churches (though there must be some). This is one of the things I appreciated about religion in India. There are problems to be sure, but I tend to think that greater religious diversity makes society more inclusive and accepting of differences.