reach for the sky
This photo is from Bumbershoot in Seattle late last year. Victoria is a bit different than Seattle, but overall Canada isn't really that different from the United States. Well, the people aren't really that different, but the politics is. I've been following Canadian and world politics since I was young and the US has always been self-centered and bellicose, but they had a wealth of optimism, political and economic influence and seemed to want to help and guide the world even if they made a few mistakes along the way.
Then the awful attacks of September 11th happened. The US became a different place a place full of mistrust and fear. At first the changes seemed to make sense in light of the terrorist attacks but eventually it got out of hand. Now, the current political state of the US is an utter joke; a parody of its former self. I'd go into all the reasons why, but it would take too long and besides, you've probably heard it all before. This is what I really want to say:
Dear United States,
Please impeach Dick Cheney and George Bush for the crimes they have committed. Make torture illegal again. Close Guantanamo Bay and the secret prisons. Restore sanity to your government. Go back to the way you were before: optimistic, hopeful and strong. Reach for the sky again.
The Rest Of The World.