do over
I took this photo back in the spring when the blossoms were out on the trees and now that Autumn is here I'd like a do-over for Summer. The weather this Summer was horrible, even by Canadian standards.
Shock is the normal reaction when I tell people that I don't believe in Global Warming. Actually, it's not really true that I don't believe, but I certainly think it's much less important than it seems to be. Temperature in any one area is not necessarily increasing, but it is changing and sometimes drastically, so Climate Change would be a better name. That way people like me can't make dumb jokes about how it should be warmer. More importantly, the cause of Climate Change is large-scale and industrial pollution. Climate change is a side-effect of pollution, but there are other side-effects too and fixing Global Warming will not fix the other side effects of pollution. In order to fix pollution we (as a race) must stop dumping concentrated chemicals into landfill sites and rivers and oceans. Fixing pollution is a huge problem, but fixing Global Warming is as easy as buying a hybrid car. You can even drive your hybrid down to the mall to buy plastic junk, medication, processed food all packaged in three layers of plastic bags and then toss it all in the landfill or flush it, no problem. That's why people are excited about Global Warming -- they don't want to deal with the lifestyle changes required to deal with pollution. That's why I don't believe in Global Warming. Oh, and if Global Warming is real, then why was my summer so cold and rainy?
Update: A couple people have voted this picture a '1' which is pretty rare and since I think it's a decent picture they must be reacting to my anti-global-warming rant. If you have an opinion on what I wrote then post a comment to explain why. I have to approve the comments (to block spam) so your comment won't show up immediately.