stuck bus
This morning I looked out the window and wondered if I should go to work because of the heavy snowfall. I checked my email from home, but there was no mention of a snow day, so I decided to venture out. Turns out that work is a ghost town, but my trip was still worth the effort. Not wanting to walk in all this snow, I took the bus. The bus got stuck in deep snow at one of the stops. The driver -- being a red-blooded man -- decided that he would back up a bit, then give it some gas. This did not work quite as he expected and instead, he knocked the bus stop pole down and slammed into a telephone pole. He kept trying to get the but moving, but it wouldn't go and eventually another bus came along. I'm not sure who the guy with the pole is, but I have to thank him for making this picture funny. He saw me taking a photo (my camera is a bit conspicuous) and he decided to ham it up.