zen architecture
While talking about horrible new condos being build all around town I realized that I photograph architecture which I find either great or awful. Though I may not agree with the specifics of Feng shui I do believe that our environments affect our moods and our lives. I actually quit my previous job because, though I really liked the people, my office space was horrible and my requests to be moved were not taken seriously. Now that I'm working from home I feel very happy.
Alan Watts said we think our bodies are like cars that drive our egos around. Specifically, he said we do not say, "I am a body." Instead we say, "This is my body," because we think we are a bit of energy between the ears and somewhere behind the eyes. Perhaps we view our homes and workplaces simply as places to park our bodies. In North America -- perhaps other places as well -- we live to work but I'd prefer to work to live and play and I'd like to be in beautiful, welcoming environments like the courtyard in this photo.