I've lived in this neighbourhood for over five years now and it's always been a little dodgy. Perhaps I notice more because I've been working at home for the past six months, but It seems worse this past year (though the past couple months have been better). One day when I was annoyed and frustrated at all the sirens I decided to grab my camera when they stopped down the street. I don't know why, but taking photos makes me feel that this is more my neighbourhood.
Just before I took this photo, the EMT on the left turned to stare at me. I didn't have any plan for what sort of photo to take, but I was in a very serious mood (because I'm annoyed by the junkies and the sirens), so I stared calmly, but determinedly back. He seemed satisfied somehow, so he turned and went back to work. I used to know an EMT who told me a few vague stories, so I know they have very stressful jobs. I was standing farther away than it seems from the photo.
I'm a photographer not a journalist so I didn't stay to ask what had happened. This is the second or third time I've ever taken a photo like this; eventually I may ask some questions and write about the story too. The woman on the stretcher has an obvious scratch on her forehead, but she was awake and seemed to be otherwise okay. I hope she's doing alright now.