water jets
I took this photo last year in Seattle at Bumbershoot, but never got around to posting it until now. I wanted to take a longish exposure of the water jets with the lights, but then I spotted the photographer below taking a similar shot, which makes this shot just a bit more interesting.
Before starting this website I wanted to call it Iconoclast. That domain name was taken, so I tried eikonos instead only to find it was taken as well. Somewhat frustrated, I put off getting a domain until realizing eikonos could be turned backwards into sonokie. I'm quite happy with sonokie because I like the way it sounds and it fits the spirit of iconoclasm. Iconoclast is a word rooted in the Byzantine Empire which translates to "breaking symbolic images". For me, this is a reminder that symbols are like fashions -- they can change as our attitudes and values change -- but the original objects remain the same. This is another way of saying: "What is, is." Getting caught up in symbols means losing track of the original goal. The sole purpose of this website is to display some of my photos, so naming it with a made-up word works as well as anything else. Ultimately, the photos will give meaning to the name, but the name won't give meanings to the photos.